Holy Week


In Christianity, Holy Week is the week after Lazarus Saturday, immediately preceding Easter. It is a moveable observance that falls on the last week of Lent.


Holy Week begins with the commemoration of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, climaxing with the Last Supper and Passion of Jesus on Good Friday, ending with his sabbath rest in the grave on Holy Saturday. The resurrection of Jesus on eighth day, is celebrated as Easter, and marks the beginning of a new week, Easter week and the season of Eastertide.


Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday commemorates Christ’s triumphant arrival in Jerusalem to the cheers of the crowd.
The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem,
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Blessed is the King of Israel!”
John 12:12-13
Later in that week many of the people in that cheering crowd would be among those shouting that Jesus should be executed.
In many churches, during Palm Sunday services, large palm branches are carried in processions.

In Anglican and Roman Catholic churches, members of the congregation hold small crosses made of palm leaf, both to remember the palm leaves which the people of Jerusalem waved when Jesus arrived, and to remember the cross on which he died.

Some Christians display the crosses from that service in their homes during the year as a symbol of their faith. The crosses are burned at the start of Lent the next year to provide the ash for Ash Wednesday.


Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday is the Thursday before Easter.
Christians remember it as the day of the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and established the ceremony known as the Eucharist.

The night of Maundy Thursday is the night on which Jesus was betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane.

The word maundy comes from the command (mandate) given by Christ at the Last Supper, that we should love one another


Good Friday

Good Friday commemorates Jesus’ crucifixion

The most important events in Christianity are the death and later resurrection of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God, and whose life and teachings are the foundation of Christianity.

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter. It commemorates the Passion: the execution of Jesus by crucifixion.

Good Friday is a day of mourning in church. During special Good Friday services Christians meditate on Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross, and what this means for their faith.

In some countries, there are special Good Friday processions, or re-enactments of the Crucifixion.

The main service on Good Friday takes place between midday and 3pm. In many churches it takes the form of a meditation based on the seven last words of Jesus on the cross, with hymns, prayers, and short sermons.

The last words from the cross

The Bible quotes seven last sentences that Jesus spoke from the Cross.
Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing. Luke 23:34
Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise. Luke 23:43
Woman, here is your son… Here is your mother. John 19:26
Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani? (My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?). Mark 15:34
I am thirsty. John 19:28
It is finished. John 19:30
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. Luke 23:46

Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday is the culmination of Holy Week.
Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.It is the most important Christian festival, and the one celebrated with the greatest joy.

The date of Easter changes each year, and several other Christian festivals fix their dates by reference to Easter.

Churches are filled with flowers, and there are special hymns and songs. But not all Easter customs are Christian; some, such as the Easter Bunny, are pagan in origin.

The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity

On Good Friday, Jesus Christ was executed by crucifixion.
His body was taken down from the cross, and buried in a cave.

The tomb was guarded and an enormous stone was put over the entrance, so that no-one could steal the body.

On the following Sunday, some women visited the grave and found that the stone had been moved, and that the tomb was empty.

Jesus himself was seen that day, and for days afterwards by many people.

His followers realised that God had raised Jesus from the dead.